Now on Slack!

Always know where the nearest bikeshare station is, a single Slack command away.

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Learn more about the iPhone app!

Thanks to the good people at

One Design Company

for bringing Station to Station to Slack!

Get Station Availability

Quickly find the number of bikes and docks by location with a simple "slash command."

Example commands:

/stations 1 N State St, Chicago

/stations One Design Company, Chicago

/stations 41.8786957, -87.6386369

Sample response:

Pro tip: The color to the left of each station indicates how balanced it is — if it's light on bikes or docks, it will be red; if it's pretty balanced, it will be green; if it's getting close, it will be yellow.

Your locations

Save your favorite locations like this:

/stations set default 1 N State St, Chicago

/stations set work 230 W Superior St, Chicago

/stations set home 1601 N State St, Chicago

Then check their availability using:


/stations work

/stations home

Pro tip: Use the label "default" for your most common location, and enter /stations to see its availability.

Bonus pro tip: Enter /stations list to see a list of all your saved locations.

How to Install

  1. Click Add to Slack
  2. If you're on multiple teams, select the one you want
  3. Authorize access to your team
Add to Slack

Questions? Comments?

Want Station to Station in your city? Curious about how this works? Want to say hello?
Let me know!

Drop me a line!